My research focus is in the field of computer vision, especially in the subdomain of unconstrained scene text recognition. This page includes a list of all publications that I authored and co-authored. It also contains links to further material for each publication.
For a most up-to-date list of my publications, please see my Google Scholar profile.
- C Bartz, H Rätz, H Yang, J Bethge, C Meinel, "Synthesis in Style: Semantic Segmentation of Historical Documents using Synthetic Data" [arXiv preprint][code]
- C Bartz, H Rätz, C Meinel, "Handwriting Classification for the Analysis of Art-Historical Documents" [FAPER 2020][pdf][code]
- N Jain, C Bartz, T Bredow, E Metzenthin, J Otholt, R Krestel, "Semantic Analysis of Cultural Heritage Data: Aligning Paintings and Descriptions in Art-Historic Collections" [FAPER 2020][Code]
- C Bartz, J Bethge, H Yang, C Meinel, "One Model to Reconstruct Them All: A Novel Way to Use the Stochastic Noise in StyleGAN" [arXiv preprint][code]
- C Bartz, L Seidel, DH Nguyen, J Bethge, H Yang, C Meinel, "Synthetic Data for the Analysis of Archival Documents: Handwriting Determination" [DICTA 2020][code]
- C Bartz, N Jain, R Krestel, "Automatic Matching of Paintings and Descriptions in Art-Historic Archives using Multimodal Analysis", [AI4HI]
- J Bethge, C Bartz, H Yang, C Meinel, "BMXNet 2: An Open Source Framework for Low-bit Networks-Reproducing, Understanding, Designing and Showcasing" [ACM MM 2020][code]
- J Bethge, C Bartz, H Yang, Y Chen, C Meinel, "MeliusNet: An Improved Network Architecture for Binary Neural Networks" [WACV 2021][arXiv preprint][code]
- C Bartz, J Bethge, H Yang, C Meinel, "KISS: Keeping it Simple for Scene Text Recognition" [pdf][code][models]
- C Bartz, H Yang, J Bethge, C Meinel, "LoANs: Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Localizer Assessor Networks" [AMV-18][pdf][code][models]
- J Bethge, H Yang, C Bartz, C Meinel, "Learning to train a binary neural network", [arXiv preprint][code]
- C Bartz, H Yang, C Meinel, "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition" [AAAI-18][pdf][code][models]
- C Bartz, H Yang, C Meinel, "STN-OCR: A single Neural Network for Text Detection and Text Recognition" [arXiv preprint][code][models]
- C Bartz, T Herold, H Yang, C Meinel, "Language Identification Using Deep Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks" [ICONIP 2017] [pdf][code]
- H Yang, M Fritzsche, C Bartz, C Meinel, "BMXNet: An Open-Source Binary Neural Network Implementation Based on MXNet" [ACM MM 2017][pdf][code]
- H Yang, C Wang, C Bartz, C Meinel, "SceneTextReg: A Real-Time Video OCR System" [ACM MM 2016][pdf]
- C Wang, H Yang, C Bartz, C Meinel, "Image captioning with deep bidirectional LSTMs" [ACM MM 2016][pdf][code]